
Find out among all types of yoga - which one is right for your body and soul!

Maybe you'll find the right yoga for you!

Photo: Carl Barcelo / Unsplash

There's no doubt that yoga has grown in popularity in recent years—and it's no surprise. In the current situation around the world, when everything is tense, the reason is that the effects of yoga on the mind and body are some of the many reasons why people take up regular yoga in the first place. Almost as soon as you start practicing yoga, you are overcome with a feeling of calmness and relaxation. If you are one of those who have not tried yoga yet, now is the right time to do so.

Hey! Are you wondering which yoga is best for you? We made a small review for you!

What types of yoga do we know?

Whether you want to join a group or start taking free online yoga classes, it's worth figuring out what you want to get out of it before you jump in. Maybe you want to spice up your weekly exercise routine or just want to improve your mental well-being.

Bikram yoga

Popularized by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, this interesting style involves repeating 26 poses in a specific sequence to stretch and strengthen your body. Exercise is usually done in a heated room to release toxins.

Hatha yoga

Ideal for beginners as this is often a gentle course dealing with classic poses. Expect basic exercises that focus on alignment and the physical and mental benefits of each pose.

Vinyasa yoga

If you're looking for yoga that's unusual and slightly adrenaline-pumping, Vinyasa is probably your best bet. In these exercises, teachers often create a sequence that flows from one pose to another without stopping. Many other yoga classes or hot yoga classes will also be in this style.

Yin yoga

This calmer style of yoga allows you to practice a variety of seated and lying down yoga positions. The poses are held for longer as they target your respiratory system, fascia and ligaments, helping with mobility and joint protection.

Photo: Littpro Inc / Unnsplash

Ashtanga yoga

In this dynamic style, you move quickly between exercises as you connect with your breath and increase the internal heat in your body.

Photo: Sonnie Hiles/Unsplash

Kundalini yoga

This style usually involves repetitive poses and breathing exercises as well as chanting. The idea is to activate your Kundalini energy, located at the base of your spine; when you tap into this energy, it only increases your awareness and helps you move past your ego.

Aerial yoga

Also known as swing or anti-gravity yoga. This discipline is becoming increasingly popular among performers at all levels. Using fabrics suspended from the ceiling, you can practice different poses to create more space in the spine, increase upper body strength and work on flexibility.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Laughter Yoga

If you're feeling down and need a lift or want something really fun, then laughter yoga is the way to go. This style involves deep breathing exercises and playful laughter, helping to manage stress and bond with others.

What does yoga do?

It can strengthen muscles, calm the mind and relieve stress, which can help boost your health and happiness. Yoga in combination with breathing exercises promotes relaxation of the body and one cannot go without the other. Yoga-inspired breathing exercises can be incorporated into your daily routine or used to combat stress when you are particularly anxious.

Whether you're exercising at home or in a group, it's important to understand your body and its limits.

Photo: Amauri Mejia / Unsplash

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