
Find out the ideal date for your wedding according to numerology!

The secret is in the numbers.

Numerology can help you choose the right date for any important event. According to numerology, numbers and life have an unbreakable connection.

Each of us has our own personal number that can reveal a lot about our character and future. But it can also help us choose the right date for a certain important event. When you want to find out which is the luckiest day for your marriage, you must first calculate your personal number and your partner's personal number and then add them together.

A little for fun, a little for real: how do you calculate your happy wedding date?
A little for fun, a little for real: how do you calculate your happy wedding date?

Check how your lucky date is calculated!

For example, your personal number is 5 and your partner's personal number is 3. Add the personal numbers. In the sum, you got the number 8. Remember that you must always reduce a two-digit number to a single-digit number. So if you got 15, you would have to add 1 + 5 to get 6.

Now add the digits of the date you want for your wedding and add the sum of your personal numbers.

For example, the sum of personal numbers is 8, and you want to get married on August 12, 2020.
1+ 2 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
6 + 8 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
So the marriage number is 5.

Let's see which dates or days of the month are ideal for marriage based on numerology!

Marriage number 1 - ideal days are those where the sum is 1 (1st, 10th, 19th, 28th day of the month)

Marriage number 2 - the ideal days are the 1st, 7th and 17th, if they are not available, the next luckiest dates are the ones that add up to 2, i.e. the 2nd, 20th, 29th.

I report the number 3 - ideal days are the 3rd, 9th, 12th, 30th.

Marriage number 4 - ideal dates are those where the addition results in 1 or 7, followed by the 13th and 22nd day of the month. People with a marriage number of 4 should never choose a day where they get a 4 when adding up, because it is said to bring them no luck and is said to be a sign of poverty.

I report number 5 - the ideal dates are those whose sum is 9. The next lucky dates are the 14th or 23rd. You should definitely avoid getting married on a day that falls on the 5th of the month and where the sum is 5. Two Fridays in combination are said to be symbolized separation and cheating.

Marriage number 6 - the ideal days of the month are the 6th, 15th and 24th, and dates that add up to 6 or 9.

Marriage number 7 - the ideal dates are those that add up to 1 or 3, and the best days of the month are the 7th, 16th and 25th.

I report the number 8 – 8th, 17th and 26th day of the month and all dates where we get 1 when adding up.

I report the number 9 – the luckiest day of the month for marriage is the 9th and all dates where the sum is 9. The next luckiest days are the 18th and 27th and all dates where the sum is 3 or 6.


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