
Avrame, DUO series: a house for 5,000 euros that you can build in a few days!

A house for 5,000 euros? Science Fiction! Or is it?!

Estonian company Abraham is known for its highly efficient house building kits that reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your quality of life. Their houses can be erected wherever you want and on old or new foundations. They are an excellent choice for living somewhere "off-grid", as their triangular roof is suitable for installation solar panels. Above all, it is important that the company believes that the house should not burden us either in terms of time or money. That's why these cottages are for everyone who appreciates freedom but still wants a place to call home!

Avrame, DUO series
Avrame, DUO series

Series houses are available Solo, Duo and Trio. And rightly so Duo the series is the one that convinces us the most in the "price-performance" category. There are four houses, which are a practical choice if you are looking for something between a small and a large house! They are great for weekends, offices, cafes and of course also for family homes. The smallest of them, which is 30 square meters, one floor and can host 1 bathroom and 1 bedroom, is yours already for 4,725 euros. To this, you can optionally add a set for the interior, exterior, skylight, brush and terrace for an additional fee. Once you have the building permit, you will be able to erect the house in a few days.

Avrame, DUO series
Avrame, DUO series
Avrame, DUO series
Avrame, DUO series

Good news? The Estonian company also delivers its houses to Slovenia! Check here, what they offer you!

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