
Can you find the panda among the snowmen? The challenge that drove the web crazy!

Can you find the panda?

Twitter user Dudolf recently uploaded a photo online of a bunch of snowmen with a panda in between. As a joke, he asked the gathered group on the social network if they could find the "intruder", i.e. the panda. As it turns out, some people have a huge problem with this, and the illustration has gone extremely viral, flooding Facebook.

Are you up for a challenge? Med snowmen try to find it in the picture below panda. For some, the challenge in the style of "Where's Waldo" turned out to be almost too demanding, as the panda was found only after a quarter of an hour of searching. How quickly did you find it?

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It's an illustration the work of Hungarian Gergely Dudás, who uses a pseudonym on social networks Dudolf and is a known "sharer" of challenges. This time he really reaped a lot of interest (the picture already has almost 70 thousand shares on Facebook), which surprised even him.

Can you find the panda?
Can you find the panda?

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