
Fire, Water, Earth and Air: How does an astrological element affect astrological signs in love?

Are you a fire, water, earth or air sign? This reveals how you or your potential partners behave when they are in love!

There are times when we don't know how to express our feelings or we show our affection in unusual ways. How do the astrological signs figure into this?

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

They will tease you. Instead of complimenting you on your new haircut, they will make fun of it. Instead of telling you how well you did at work, they will point out the one thing you did wrong. They will always find a way to criticize you. Maybe they will choose an unpleasant nickname for you. They will make you feel uncomfortable. They will act like little children because it is easier for them to be mean to you than to admit to you how they really feel about you.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

They will tell all their friends what an idiot you are. They will constantly talk about how they can't stand you to cover up how much they like you. Out of jealousy, they will also talk bad about the person they think you are in love with. They are not comfortable with their emotions, so they will lie to themselves that they don't care about you. They will act like they have no emotions. They want to avoid developing even stronger feelings for you because they would rather stay single than get involved in something serious.

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

They will act elevated. They will make you feel invisible. They won't make eye contact with you in a crowd. They will barely speak a word to you, even if they are the only people in the room. They will act like they don't know your name. They will make you feel like you don't exist for them. In fact, they know everything about you because they are closely watching your every move. They just don't want you to know it and think of them as a stalker. In addition, deep down they are shy. They are not sure how to flirt. They don't want to embarrass themselves, so they keep their comments to themselves.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

When it comes to their feelings, they will be underhanded. Whenever you look at them, they will look away so you won't realize they were staring at you. They will never message you or like your photo, but they will follow every story you post online. They may even "screenshot" your photos or "stories" that you post to stay on their phone. They would be very embarrassed if they found out how much they like you. Even though everyone else around them already knows because they never stop talking about it.

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