
The firemen posed above without with cute animals and we are honestly hot!

2019 calendar: Hot Australian firefighters pose with cute animals

Hello, 112? We would like to report an emergency. Once again this year, we found 12 of Australia's hottest firefighters in the arms of the cutest animals. How can you help?

Since the year In 1993, firefighters from all over the world come together to create one of the sexiest calendars, The Australian Firefighters Calendar. All proceeds from the sale of the calendars are earmarked Children's Hospital Foundation, which provides resources for childhood burn research.

V In 26 years of operation, they have already collected more than 2.8 million dollars (approximately 2.5 million euros) for various charitable organizations. This year there will be funds donated to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital.

Hot ones are collected in the picture gallery photos of firefighters with the cutest animals.

Image Gallery - Hot Australian Firefighters Calendar

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