
Hotel Ribno

Sometimes it happens that we cannot handle the organization of a birthday, wedding or other occasion by ourselves. This can happen because there is too much food to prepare or we cannot find a suitable space. In Bled, at the Ribno Hotel, we can be saved from such a predicament, because in addition to restaurant cuisine...

Basic information
Hotel Ribno
Excursion 44
picnics are organized by arrangement
(04) 57 83 100

Sometimes it happens that we cannot handle the organization of a birthday, wedding or other occasion by ourselves. This can happen because there is too much food to prepare or we cannot find a suitable space. In Bled, at Hotel Ribno, they can save us from such a dilemma, because in addition to restaurant cuisine, they also offer picnics on the spacious lawn next to the hotel, where there is enough space for recreation and cuisine. We offer three culinary themes. The Mediterranean picnic offers a light appetizer with roasted vegetables, prosciutto, white cheese and light seafood dishes. We continue with vegetable minestrone, followed by delicious grilled meat dishes, fish skewers and toasted polenta with sun-dried tomatoes. Even the desserts are light, with a Mediterranean touch. The Balkan picnic offers us the specialties of the Balkan cuisine, such as prebranec, various sausages, skewers and vešalica with cream and šop salad, and to conclude, baklava must not be missing. The third choice is a forest picnic, where we'll feast on spicy venison slices and beech oysters in čemaž sauce as an appetizer. There is also grilled venison medallion and game medallion, hunting sausages and grilled vegetables and mushrooms, and everything is rounded off with a large selection of salads. For dessert, forest fruits will flourish in a wrap or cake, so just plan your next summer celebration in Bled.


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