
The fitness blogger showed what her legs look like after not shaving them for a year

Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas

Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas recently shocked her Instagram followers with a photo of her hairy legs. She put down her razor to promote natural beauty. Her photos immediately circulated on the Internet.

Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas showed the world what they look like her legs after not shaving them for a year. Her hairy legs and hairy armpits have garnered a lot of attention, including Morgan, who started sharing photos of her body on Instagram after she started working out with bodybuilding, promotes natural beauty.

A photo that appeared on many foreign covers.
A photo that appeared on many foreign covers.

She put away the razor after years of delayed waxing at the beginning of 2016. She was different in her early youth the target of ridicule because of her hairy legs and out of shame, she asked her mother to teach her to shave her legs when she was twelve. Since he doesn't shave, he says they are the hair became softer and more pleasant as before. With your move wants to encourage women to embrace natural beauty. And no, it's not just a momentary inspiration, because as she says, it is hung up the razor on a peg forever.

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In addition to the photos, she also posted a video in which she further explains why she got rid of the razor (see above). Among other things, she said that "there are several reasons why I decided to do this. All this takes up too much of my time. It takes too long - showering, then shaving, washing my hair... So one day I told myself that I don't have to do it. When the hairs grew back, I found that it was actually quite pleasant as it was very soft. But when you shave, the hair grows short and pointed, which is another reason I don't shave anymore.” She doesn't force other girls to do the same, because she emphasizes that "it's only important, to feel comfortable in your own skin.”

Gallery - Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas after she stopped shaving:

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