
Flexitarianism: Ways of eating practiced by many people

How healthy is flexitarianism?

Photo: Envato

The word flexitarianism is a derivative of two words, flexibility and vegetarianism. It is a principle of eating, in which the individual adheres to vegetarian rules most of the time, but occasionally reaches for meat goodness.

Have you heard of flexitarianism?? Unlike vegetarians, flexitarians do not completely give up meat. Flexitarians live a kind of "gentle" vegetarianism. This means that they basically eat everything, but reduce their consumption of meat.

Why choose flexitarianism?

In flexitarianism, the diet is similar to that of vegetarians, as its adherents favor plant-based foods in about 80% meals, either for health or ecological reasons. But eating meat they practice occasionally, depending on the social context, for example at a birthday party, various celebrations and events. Choosing a flexitarian diet can be motivated for a variety of reasons.


People may choose this type of diet because of personal preferences, because they don't like the taste of some meat. Another reason for adopting such a diet is that a person wants to stop eating meat, but cannot give it up completely. There is a third reason of a medical nature, because some people do not satisfy their needs for iron and vitamin B12 with vegetarianism alone, so they eat meat when the body needs it.

How to eat

Unlike vegetarians and vegans, flexitarians eat everything including meat. Eating meat is very conscious, such products for example they enjoy occasionally. Their menu mostly consists of a plant-based diet, as they eat a variety of legumes, grains, vegetables, fruits, and seeds more often than meat.


Is this kind of eating healthy?

Experts are of the opinion that such eating is Hello, as the body avoids deficiency nutrients and vitamins and thereby reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and various types of cancer. This way of eating allows you to start eating properly and more healthily, without having to completely give up delicious steaks.

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