
Flight attendant tricks that will really help you with packing

Flight attendant tricks that will really help you with packing

If you can trust anyone to pack efficiently, it's the flight attendants, who have the knack of packing. What should you take with you on your trip and what should you leave at home?

You've probably already booked this year's vacation or are at least thinking about it - before you start preparing for your trip, it's good to know that the way you pack your things in your suitcase can make you and others (staff) causes a lot of problems during the trip and later on vacation.

With the help of these flight attendant tricks, you will learn, how to pack a travel bag effectively, so that you will face as few inconveniences as possible on vacation.

What do you absolutely need to pack?

Japanese women! Regardless of the weather and the destination you are traveling to, it is important that you have flip flops with you, the flight attendants say. Not all rooms are equipped with slippers, which you especially need after when you get out of the shower, so find yourself and take flip-flops with you on your trip.

Some flight attendants even advise that flip flops you wear just while showering, because bathtubs and showers are said to be dirty to the point that they can you stumble infection.

You need flip-flops when you shower!
You need flip-flops when you shower!

In addition to flip-flops, it is important to have with you cosmetic products to moisturize the skin. During travel, travelers usually face changes in the climate, which has a negative effect on the skin - it dries and ages faster, so moisturizing during and while traveling is key.

The flight attendants advise that you always take it with you on your trip an umbrella, cream with a protective factor and swimwear - even if it's raining at the destination you've gone to, that doesn't mean you'll be indoors all day. You need the cream for skin protection, regardless of the season and weather conditions. A bathing suit always comes in handy, if you go for pampering to the SPA, to the pool...

How to pack?

The way you pack is also depends on the size of the travel bag, but flight attendants say there's a proven packing system that always works, whether you have a large or small suitcase.

How do flight attendants pack?
How do flight attendants pack?

Before you start packing, it would be a good idea to get bags to store your shoes you put it at the bottom of the travel bag. You put clothes on them that you shape it into a roll, so that they do not wrinkle. This way you also gain space. You can add more to the top of the travel card cosmetic bag.

Flight attendants suggest that you choose such fashionable combinations that require only one or maximum two pairs of shoes. It is also recommended that you abandon the idea of wearing different combinations every day and find such pieces of clothing that you can you wear it several times (mainly trousers, knitted jackets).

What should I not pack?

You urgently need another bag with things that you will use on the way to your destination.
You urgently need another bag with things that you will use on the way to your destination.

Flight attendants have problems especially with passengers who pack the things they need and look for during the flight in their suitcases. Regardless of what you take on vacation, it would be a good idea to pack things in your suitcase, which you don't need while traveling. Pack essentials in the bag you will have with you.

Always in the bag leave some space, because you might buy something new at your destination that you would like to take home.

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