
flOP – an armchair that can be a bed with a single move

flOP is an armchair that can also be a bed

How about an armchair that can turn into a bed? flOP by Russian designer Elena Sidorova is just that. A comfortable armchair that can also be a bed. You can simply and quickly change the sofa from an interesting armchair to a single bed. It is upholstered with 100% wool and hides a compartment for storing bedding and pillows when they are not in use.

Adaptability, flexibility and multifunctionality are the furniture features that best suit modern living. You can also brag about them flOP, upholstered armchair, which can be turned into a bed in just a few seconds, manually and without the slightest effort. flOP is not the only furniture remodeler of its kind, but it is definitely one of the few that does added aesthetic, not just practical value.

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flOP is ideal for anyone who often has overnight guests in their apartment.
flOP is ideal for anyone who often has overnight guests in their apartment.

He flips out of a comfortable armchair, whose veneer "skin" is hairy with sheep's wool, transforms into an equally comfortable one single bed with spring slats for an elastic base with a single fold.

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