Food is one of the most important factors in a dog's life. It gives him energy, provides him with all the important nutrients that enable him to live a long and healthy life.
Everything that is edible for people, does not mean that it is also good for four-legged pets. Some foods and drinks are dangerous for a dog and in the worst case can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to be well informed about which foods are not suitable to offer to your dog.
Grapes and raisins contain oxalic acid. They are said to cause kidney failure in dogs. Recurrent vomiting and hyperactivity are early signs. Therefore, it is good to put this food in a safe place and not feed it to the dog.
Dogs are also not allowed to touch coffee, because its component methylxanthine can affect their nervous system. In some cases, ingestion is said to even cause death. Symptoms include seizures, tremors, restlessness, hyperthermia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cardiac arrhythmia.
Photo: Rarnie McCudden / Pexels
Cocoa and chocolate are problematic due to tobromine, a bitter alkaloid from cocoa. Even small amounts can be fatal for puppies and small dogs. Eating chocolate causes tremors, seizures and rapid heartbeat.
Raw beans contains phytohemagglutinin, which can cause red blood cells to clot. Eating beans is said to cause swelling of the liver, fever and abdominal cramps. Otherwise, cooked beans are not harmful to the dog.
Red onion in all forms, be it dried, raw or cooked, it destroys the red blood cells in the dog's cells. Even small amounts of five to ten grams per kilogram of body weight are said to cause poisoning in a dog. Diarrhea, blood in the urine, vomiting and difficulty breathing appear if the dog eats onions.
Photo: Freestock / Pexels
Poultry bones they are sharp and break easily, which can cause serious damage to the mouth, throat and stomach in dogs. Also, avocados are not recommended for dogs, as they contain the compound persin, which causes diarrhea and vomiting.
It's also not good for the dog sugar. Too much sugar can have the same consequences as in humans: obesity, dental problems and even the onset of diabetes. It should also cause the secretion of insulin, which leads to hypoglycemia.
Photo: Alex Gruber/Unsplash
Dogs explore with their muzzles and snouts. And no matter how you are very careful it's entirely possible for your dog to find and eat something it shouldn't. Therefore, caution is never superfluous.