
Soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović with 50 temporary tattoos for a good cause

Soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović considers himself God, at least that's what he once said himself. Yes, the Swedish virtuoso with the ball has no hair on his tongue and is therefore a regular guest of the press not only for his antics on the football pitch, but also for his sarcastic statements and actions off the pitch. And while the world is talking about 50 shades of gray, Ibra, who as the Almighty does not like the situation, took matters into his own hands and shifted the debate to the shades that really count, on 50 temporary tattoos, the names of starving people, symbolizing 805 million hungry people around the world.

Football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the championship game against Caen, he did not wait long to do so celebrated the goal. But even though his team Paris Saint-Germain in the end she didn't win, but he won with his tattoos, which he put on display at the leadership celebration. He clearly earned it yellow card, because that's the rules of football, and at the time it seemed like it was just another show off in his style. But as it turned out later, it was humanitarian action, for which the international organization also stood World Food Programme (WFP), with which the popular Ibra drew attention to the pressing problem of hunger.

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If the referee knew why Zlatan Ibrahimovic really took his shirt off, he would probably look through his fingers.
If the referee knew why Zlatan Ibrahimovic really took his shirt off, he would probably look through his fingers.

The new (temporary) tattoos are not Chinese characters, dragons, skulls, etc., but names of 50 hungry people, who were helped by the mentioned organization. With the tattoos, the Swede wanted to draw attention to the fact that there are 805 million other people like this in the world and that these are names that, unlike his, no one talks about. Now it's theirs messenger became Zlatan himself, who hopes that this gesture will sway those responsible (who deserve a red card for their efforts so far) to not only curb but eradicate one of the biggest humanitarian crises in human history.

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