
For men: how does a woman perceive your car and what does it tell her about you?

What does your car reveal about you?

Most of us probably cannot afford a raging beast for a passenger car, which would by itself attract a mountain of girls with questionable moral values. But it doesn't matter, we all drive what we can afford. However, you should be aware that women can draw conclusions about you as a person from the first glance at your car. So watch out for the following five things so that a woman doesn't write you off before you can say cookie!

Car size

Not everything in life is black and white, so you can drive a huge car because you have a big family, and in many cases, such car owners are considered egoists or those for whom cars are an extension of something they lack in their lives.

Just think how many times you have seen behind the wheel of a huge SUV a person who can barely see over the steering wheel, and it will all become clear to you!

Car color

The color of the car is something that every owner chooses at the time of purchase, if the car was not inherited or received as a gift. Each color tells something about the character of the owner, so women also draw certain conclusions based on this.

If you have for example white car, you are elegant, modern and lustful. black colour it says that you are sophisticated, you like power, you like to control and you are authoritative. Silver color it is supposed to mean that you are calm and collected, and you are confident behind the wheel. Grey it speaks of your practicality, curiosity and refinement, you rely on yourself behind the wheel. Red it shows that you're passionate about everything you do, you like power, and it's also supposed to indicate drivers who like to show off their muscles on the open road. Blue colour symbolizes predictable, calm and safe drivers. Brown he says you whistle at the current trends, you want something permanent! Yellow color shows happy drivers who radiate positivity and happiness while green it indicates eco-friendly drivers who love nature and are free-spirited. Orange it symbolizes eccentric, bold individuals who want to stand out.

Red shows that you are passionate about everything you do.

Car interior

We can all be a little messy sometimes, but if the inside of your car looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the first day you've owned it, then forget about any more intimate time with a woman - and we don't just mean the back seat, but in general ! Unfinished meals, scattered papers, empty cans, stuck chewing gum, etc. will immediately let her know that you messy, irresponsible.

On the other hand, it could obsession with cleanliness and excessive care for every centimeter in the car (ugh, so she wouldn't accidentally leave prints on the dashboard), also led to an evening spent in solitude, because no woman wants to be a second love - the first, she concludes, is your car.

Car exterior

The exterior of your car says a lot about you at first glance. If your car looks like it went through a war - dents on all sides, repaired bumpers, broken turn signals - be sure that this is a big minus for you. Suffice it to say, this will make you work as an angle a bad driver who drives like a jerk, in the parking lot it affects other cars and so on he respects neither his own nor other people's property.

But on the other hand, as with the interior, don't be one of those people who are so in love with their car that this pile of sheet metal is the most important thing in the world!

Don't be one of those people for whom a pile of tin is the most important thing!


Just like the exterior of the car, the interior must also be neat and undamaged. Women may not care if your car is equipped with the latest technology, the highest quality leather or electronically adjustable seats, but if it is, then those things better be functional.

Do not be (over)confident if, at first glance, your car is equipped like an airplane, if half of the system in the car does not work while you turn on the air conditioner or want to turn on the radio.

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