
For the first time in 7 years! What does the lunar eclipse bring us on November 19?

Photo: Gantas Vaičiulėnas / Pexels

Open your heart to change! On November 19, the lunar eclipse in Taurus brings big changes in the area of love, interpersonal relationships, and personal growth and your desires. See what the stars predict for this long-awaited eclipse, as it occurs after 7 long years, meaning it hasn't happened since 2014!

The eclipse is a time of transformation and awakening. It often brings fateful events into life. The changes can be quick and sudden, or they can be slow and last for the next few weeks and months.

On November 19, a partial lunar eclipse awaits us in Taurus. This is the first eclipse of this astrological sign since 2014, and since eclipses come in pairs, the Taurus eclipse will take place along with the Scorpio eclipse.

Eclipses are powerful and can trigger certain things for us. They help us overcome what holds us back and open up new aspects in life.

This November eclipse can affect all relationships in our lives, you may find that many attitudes and beliefs that have prevented us from achieving more intimate relationships with others and with ourselves will disappear.

Venus is very active during this eclipse because it is the natural ruler of Taurus. It governs all matters of the heart, love and finances, as well as what we find valuable. The eclipse is the perfect time to work on yourself and strengthen your sense of self-worth.

Take time for yourself! Photo: Anthony Tran/Unsplash

What can you do during this period?

1. Take time for silence and relaxation

The full moon brings time to achieve goals. However, the eclipse brings surprises and unexpected twists. Take time for your emotions and think about your needs.

2. Don't try to control everything

The Moon meets Jupiter, one philosophical planet that will challenge many attitudes and changes. Let go of the need to control and be open to different points of view.

3. Accept the changes

A lunar eclipse encourages liberation from all that is unimportant. Taurus is a fixed sign, so you may resist when change comes. Embrace everything new that comes your way and stay open to opportunities that can bring you wonderful transformation. Embrace the fluidity of life.

4. Prepare for surprising discoveries

The Moon forms a trine with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth. Some hidden truths will be revealed and various surprising discoveries await us. It is possible that many of them will bring powerful changes - be prepared!

5. Don't Manifest

The day of the full moon is considered a great time to manifest, but with the energy of the eclipse now ruling, we will be confused and our thoughts may be foggy. Therefore, our intentions and desires can be insincere.

Surrender to the flow of life and enjoy! Photo: Duncan Shaffer/Unsplash

6. Focus on taking care of yourself

You may feel overwhelmed, but if you focus on your needs, your day can go smoothly. Taurus is the sign of hedonism, so treat yourself to something nice. Take time to relax, enjoy delicious meals, drink your favorite tea, spend time with the people you love.

Remember that an eclipse usually puts us where we need to be. So try to keep your heart open to a deeper and richer love and let what needs to happen happen to you.

Don't be too hard on yourself, but be kind and gentle. Remember your virtues and successes, love yourself through all the experiences you've had, and as you spread love to yourself, it may be easier to show it to others.

May the lunar eclipse on 11/19/2022 open new paths to a happier life.

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