
For the girl who has forgotten her worth, but deserves much, much more!

You are a girl who has forgotten her worth, but despite the emptiness you feel, let us tell you that you deserve much, much more!

Every word he ever said to you is etched in your memory. His anger and hateful words paralyze you. You don't know what to feel anymore. You've gotten used to bad behavior to the point where it doesn't even bother you that much anymore. It has become the new norm. Look in the mirror, you will see a girl with no life left in her eyes. Every day you wake up and walk around in this lifeless body - nothing brings you satisfaction anymore.

You go to bed every night and hope that tomorrow will be better. Sometimes when you close your eyes, you recall a memory lucky girl, as you once were. You know she's still inside you, lost in the madness he created. You're a girl who forgot her worth, but despite the emptiness you feel, let us tell you that you you earn a lot, much more!

It's time to take off the blindfold and see your relationship for what it is - living hell! Maybe you're not even aware of it or don't want to admit it. He promised you he would take you to heaven, but all he did was bring you to hell.

Open your eyes and see: your relationship is toxic. If it brings you more harm than good, it's time to reevaluate the person you're with and the situation you're in. It's not fair that you're emotionally drained from the relationship you're in, either it is not good for your mental and physical health.

. You are a girl who has forgotten her worth, but despite the emptiness you feel, let us tell you that you deserve much, much more!
. You are a girl who has forgotten her worth, but despite the emptiness you feel, let us tell you that you deserve much, much more!

In toxic relationships we fall in love with the fantasy world – we fantasize about what the relationship could be like. We make sacrifices and try to do everything we can to make it work, the idea of leaving the fantasy world is almost impossible. Behind the monster we see a prince on a white horse. We want to be Belle who turns the beast into a prince. But in reality, you won't change anyone if the person doesn't want it! She shouldn't be hurt, she shouldn't have to fight such a battle for love. It's true, it's hard to leave a person who once brought you happiness and joy, but you deserve to be in a healthy relationship that is full of mutual love, support, respect and trust!

You deserve much, much more than this! You are a beautiful woman who was lied to and made to believe she wasn't enough. But that's not the case, you were always "enough". In reality, he was never "enough" for you. Don't be defined by who you live with or who you lived with - the only person, that determines your worth, you are alone! You deserve someone who will give you love that will fill your heart with joy. Someone who will make you laugh. Someone who will silence the demons in your head. You deserve someone who will heal your open wounds, not rub salt on them.

Take your time and come back to yourself. Take time to heal and find your happiness again. In the end, it's much, much better to be alone than to put up with someone who treats you so badly.

Take your time and come back to yourself.
Take your time and come back to yourself.

When you leave a toxic relationship, you will meet people who will be you made you happy again, loved you and appreciated you like that, as you are. Because there are many people waiting for you to pamper you! Allow yourself a step forward, allow yourself luck!

SOURCE: thoughtcatalog.com

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