
September will be the worst month of the year for these three astrological signs!

September will not be your period. Take care of yourself.

For these astrological signs, September 2020 will not be the brightest month. The period of Leos was happy, warm and exciting for them, but the period of Virgo brings problems to some signs.

Virgo is the symbol of harvest, and her element is earth. This astrological period serves as a reminder that autumn is just around the corner. Because of this, some signs will feel increased nervousness, dissatisfaction, pessimism and will be exposed to destructive, destructive impulses.

Let's see for whom this period will be particularly difficult and demanding.


They will be very noisy and prone to arguments. Given that the Sun is in Virgo over their fourth house, the house of family, stability and emotional experience, they are likely to get upset over all the little things at home and at work. The good news is that on September 5, Mercury will enter its sister sign Libra, which will help them better see their long-term goals and thus commit to new, entrepreneurial ventures.


The Sun in Virgo activates their mysterious 12th house, the house of privacy, spirituality, intimacy, karma and all things behind the scenes. They will observe their inner self and various thoughts will constantly enter their consciousness. This period, ruled by Mercury, will give them the opportunity to take a step back and change their perception of many things that are mainly related to their lives. The Full Moon in Mystical Pisces will affect their sixth house of health and daily obligations, which means they have to admit something or adjust in these areas of life. Their well-being will be tested.

Libras will think a lot.


Although it is time to enjoy their hard work and efficiency, Virgo energy will bring them dissatisfaction related to self-criticism and perception of every detail. During this period, the Sun in Virgo will stir up their erotic eighth house, the house of sexuality, debt, intimacy and transformation, which means that they will realize how much energy they invest in their business, obligations and also in love. Instead of criticizing everything you see and questioning everything you do, this is an opportunity to realize how much of the energy you put out is ever getting back.

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