
For women who think too much and love too much

You know who you are.

You're the woman who gets a text and then can't stop thinking about it - all night long. You want to break it down and dissect it in a thousand different ways to get to a deeper meaning that probably isn't there at all.

You are a woman who can't help but care about others more than herself. The one who makes sure everyone else is eating and having a good time before she even thinks about doing the same to you.

You realize that it often takes a long time to make a decision because you want the decision to be right. You want to make sure everything is perfect.

It's hard to truly experience life in the present moment. There is always something that demands your attention, some thought or concern that needs to be attended to instead of witnessing your life in real time - now.

Maybe you don't like to think too much. Maybe you wish you were like other people who always seem so relaxed and able to go with the flow. This is especially true if your overthinking is causing you more stress than good. And that's you.

When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love hard and fast. You don't just care about being with someone, or being anything less than perfect, you want to be completely and utterly in love. It's just your nature.

You want someone who will always be there for you, who will love you and be good to you. Someone you can trust completely to make your dreams come true. You seem to analyze every little thing, so reflecting on every aspect of your relationship is just a natural progression.

When you meet someone with whom you completely connect, you cannot give them anything less than one hundred percent of yourself. You can't give them a little. You have to give them everything and put all your efforts into making them happy.

You love deeply without holding back any part of yourself and you expect the same from this person in return. You are interested in nothing less than true, lifelong love.

You are interested in nothing less than true, lifelong love.

You don't want to waste time. You never want to give them less than you think they deserve. You want to spoil them, shower them with love and affection. They mean everything to you.

Such an attitude can blind you to certain things in life.

You will seem like an ideal target for someone to use and discard. People may try to walk all over you. You might be so in love that you won't notice that you're being taken advantage of.

You can become extremely sensitive and cautious. You may overanalyze to the point where you find questions and problems where they are not needed, where they do not exist.

You'll get upset and offended about things that wouldn't even register on the other person's radar. You are so afraid of getting hurt that you try to do everything to prevent it and avoid the pain. This means that you look for every little thing that could potentially be bad or go wrong.

At the end of the day, you are who you are. You cannot and must not force yourself to change. If you are going to change, it has to be a natural process that comes from where you have the confidence and security to trust the process.

You are brilliant. Overthinking and loving too much are just symptoms of a person who cares deeply. You feel a lot and it shows in the things you do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But you should try to enjoy your life and trust those you love. You only get one chance to live your life, and if you don't pay attention to it in the present moment, life will pass you by.

You can never control people or things, so trying to protect yourself in every way so you don't get hurt is not possible. At a certain point, you have to let go of the need for security and belief and allow yourself to trust those closest to you.

You will be hurt. You can never completely avoid it. But you will live your life. You will feel all the things that need to be felt, the highs and the lows.

If you can allow yourself to enjoy things more, you will realize how amazing it feels to be truly alive.

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