
The forbidden fruit is the sweetest: is sex with an ex-partner "normal"?

The forbidden fruit is the sweetest: is sex with an ex-partner "normal"?

Some people find it absurd to maintain any kind of relationship with an ex-partner. But there are also exes who think that the breakup of the relationship only means a new chapter for their relationship - we are talking about sexual relations here. Is that kind of intimacy even healthy after you've ended your love relationship?

There is no rule on how to end a relationship to stay on good terms. Every couple finds their own way. And some choose to have sex. The question is, is such intimacy even healthy? A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, in which scientists note that perhaps this idea is not as bad as it may seem at first glance!

How does sexuality affect your emotions?
How does sexuality affect your emotions?

Stephanie Spielmann, study leader, she and her team conducted two studies. In one study they analyzed 113 participants who have just ended a relationship. Two months later, they complied survey, in which scientists studied everything related to the current relationship of the participants. Did the two exes have physical contact? Were they still emotionally hurt? How did they feel with their ex-partner in bed?

In another study, 372 participants had to share experiences about actual intercourse. But they also had to report whether they were emotionally connected to a former love during sex. Based on the findings from both studies, the researchers concluded that people who had sex with exes did not report that this form of intimacy had NO effect on their relationship.

Don't worry, they love each other!
Don't worry, they love each other!

The researchers wanted to study whether sex with an ex-partner affects your emotions. You probably know the concerns - 'what if I still love him/her', 'maybe sex will rekindle the feelings'... Researchers say you shouldn't worry too much if you really want to have sex, as research findings show that that your feelings will very likely remain unchanged.

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