
10+ before and after shave photos and you won't believe it's the same person

A receding beard can dramatically change a man's appearance, but shaving can be even more shocking. Some believe that beards make a man 'more masculine', while others argue that it's better to see a defined bone structure. What do you think? Here are 10+ photos of men before and after shaving and you really won't believe it's the same person.

Beards have already earned their place under the sun in this world. Among other things, they should have, especially those guests, good effect on maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria on the skin (according to the research, conducted in 2014 in the Journal of Hospital Infection). Employees at a small hospital in the US who shaved had higher numbers of harmful bacteria on their faces than those who had beards - probably because skin damage caused by shaving. Shaving, among other things, is also said to be good for removing dead skin cells.

It would be hard to say which is better or healthier, but one thing is clear: a beard or a shave drastically changes a man's appearance. We have collected some photos for you before and after shaving and you won't believe it's the same person in the photo.

Gallery - 10+ before and after shave photos and you won't believe it's the same person

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