
Forget about looks, this app finds you a soul mate based on voice

Dating apps have traditionally focused on matching individuals based on their looks. In contrast to this approach, the Waiving application works, which will find your ideal partner based on your voice.

Looks aren't everything. The creators of the application also think so Waiving. From now on, a new crush can be found based on hers tone and color of voice.

How does Waiving work? Users of this app must create their own profile, on which they upload theirs voice recordings, in which they talk about themselves. The human voice will thus replace edited photos that do not reflect the real situation.

Listen and decide if you like the person.
Listen and decide if you like the person.

In the application settings, you can specify the qualities you are looking for in a potential partner. It can be set gender, age and distance persons. Similar to other dating apps, you will use a method swipe left or right. This will reveal whether you like the person or not.

Voice recordings will replace photos.
Voice recordings will replace photos.

In the event of a match, you will continue meeting new people in the form written conversation. This is certainly disappointing, as many would have expected the app to make full use of voice communication.

The application is available in the online store iTunes. It can only be used on devices with an operating system iOS.

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