
Forget fifty shades of gray - what men really want between the sheets!

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What do men want in bed? Do they really want weird sex positions and sex that lasts all night? Believe it or not, that's not the case.

Men want sweet little things

A study showed that romance and affection are two things men want when it comes to sex. Prof. Debby Herbenick, says: “Contrary to some stereotypes, the most attractive behaviors for men are romantic and loving. Behaviors that include more frequent kissing during intercourse, cuddling, saying romantic things during intercourse…”

Men, not just women, want intimate, romantic little things. So, hug your man, whisper words of tenderness to him during sex, hold his hand…

Men want hints

Believe it or not, a man wants to please you during intercourse. And the moment he arouses you is a satisfying moment for him and for you. Women's sexual needs change from day to day and month to month. Sometimes it depends on the menstrual cycle sometimes stress.

Men want your tenderness. Photo: We Vibe Toys / Unsplash

Let me know what works for you. How? Give him hints. Give him direction. Ask him to try something right then and there and in the moment. Use your hand to guide it. He will feel like a king and you will feel satisfied too.

Men want to know that even quick sex is satisfying for a woman

A man sometimes thinks that his partner will not be satisfied if the intercourse does not last for a long time every time. Or that every sexual relationship should be better than the last. Tell him that's not true, even quick sex can be wonderful.

Men also want to feel wanted outside of the bedroom

The most common place to have sex is on the bed. But take your intimacy with you, to other places and spaces. If the sight of him turns you on, tell him so, wherever you are, it doesn't matter. Send flirty messages to each other. You kiss before you go to work. Tell him how much you liked what he did. In short, create sexual tension outside the bedroom and enjoy foreplay all day long.

He wants you to want him

Laurie Watson he says that men want to be "sexually nurtured".

Watson says, “Most men want and feel much more emotional connection than simple physical relaxation. Love literally creates a deep sense of attachment to your partner and fuels the relationship with generosity, faith and optimism. Being wanted by your partner can be the most reassuring part of your relationship.”

Enjoy with each other! Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Men want you to take more initiative

According to the words dr. Dawn Michael ​, men are expected to take the initiative all the time, which is not realistic. They don't always want to be the ones to initiate sex.

Remember it takes two to tango, and if you're having sex - play your part too. Don't be afraid to ask for sex. Don't be afraid to ask for something that pleases you during the relationship. Don't be afraid to take on a dominant role.

They don't want judgment

A man can lose his erection due to stress, fatigue or distraction. So don't take it personally and whatever you do, don't make him feel bad about it because he already feels pretty bad and your disappointment won't help his self-esteem one bit.

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