
Forget fries: that's why you better order TWO burgers!

Forget fries: that's why you better order TWO burgers!

A burger, fries and a pint of sugary drink – if you follow the modern rules of dos and don'ts, the combination of these three is synonymous with cholesterol, diabetes and probably death. But experts say that you shouldn't be so pessimistic and that a burger won't put you in your grave.

You've probably heard that a burger and fries won't get you any nutrients, that your body needs. It's no wonder, because with all the information you receive about it, how you should eat, you don't even know anymore what is right and what is wrong. He is coming to help nutritionist Emily Field, which reveals how to think about the long-term effects of food on your body. And the key is balance!

As he says, it's important that people can make a responsible decision that works for their bodies. ask yourself how you will feel two hours after, when you will eat a certain thing. Burger and fries contain the same amount of calories. But more important than counting calories are other things – what are the nutrients in food, which you eat.

It's what's in the food you eat that matters.
It's what's in the food you eat that matters.

While a burger contains fat, protein and carbohydrates, fries contain all of these cannot be found. Which means two burgers are a better choice than fries and a burger because they keep your blood sugar at the same level, Field says.

Foods that are high in fat but low in protein, it quickly raises blood sugar levels, and then lowers it sharply, which affects that you are quickly hungry again. So you better order another burger. You know, just in case! 🙂

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