
Four signs that you are in love with the wrong partner and wasting your time

Photo: envato

Blinded by love, sometimes we don't see that we are with someone who is not good for us. As a result, many stay in relationships that are not good for a long time. To avoid this in time, follow these signs that will lead you to the right answer.

Love is blind and when we are in love we don't see something wrong. Even if it's right in front of us. The worst thing is that only when we catch our partner cheating or when he hurts us badly do we realize that we might be in love with the completely wrong person.

In order not to wait for something 'bigger' or difficult to happen to us, and to understand some things sooner, pay attention to these four signs that show that we may be in love with the wrong person.

1. You are constantly looking for time with your partner

'I'll call you later. I was busy today, we will talk tomorrow. I'm too tired to talk' - if this all sounds familiar, ask yourself if you're with the right person. Of course, you need to consider that a loved one will not always be available, but there is a fine line that makes a difference. If you are the one who is constantly seeking someone's "time" to no avail, remember that you are just as valuable as your time, if not more so.

2. Lack of communication

Although lack of communication is a clear sign in itself, we often deny these matters to ourselves. It starts with the other person avoiding you for a while. And if your partner avoids you, has nothing to talk about, doesn't bother to communicate, or doesn't care where you are, what you are, and how you are, it's time to realize that things might not go the way you wanted them to. So, before investing even more of your emotions, sit back, relax and think, is it worth it?

Photo: Envato

3. The relationship depends on their mood

If you only talk when he/she is in a good mood, there is a high chance that your relationship will fail in the long run. Things can't work that long, even if you want them to. Think twice before committing yourself completely to such a person.

4. Their actions don't match their words

Your better half may gift you with the most beautiful words about how much she loves you, how much she is in love with you. If you doubt their words and wonder if it is true, it is very likely that their feelings are not sincere.

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