
Framework: a modular laptop that we can fix ourselves

A new startup called Framework is aiming to revolutionize the consumer electronics industry by creating a premium laptop that can be customized, upgraded, and even repaired by ourselves. Judging by the technical data, it looks like the company might just succeed in its endeavours.

Laptop Framework based on the modular concept, the screen, keyboard, battery, magnetic plate and other parts are easy to replace. It also has a very innovative input system with its expansion cards. Replaceable cards contain inputs such as USB-A, USB-C, HDMI and MicroSD, all of which can be customized and easily replaced to suit your needs or updated as new technology becomes available.

Portable Framework
Photo: Framework

Actually, it will be possible replace the entire computer motherboard, when upgraded versions will arrive, and each repair is simple enough for the user to do without assistance. As far as the computer specifications are concerned, it is an extremely powerful laptop that boasts of 13.5-inch screen, processors Intel Core 11th generation and a built-in webcam 1080p with 60 frames per second (with privacy switches) and microphone. No pricing has been announced yet, but the laptop is expected to go on sale this summer.

It will be possible to replace the entire computer motherboard when the upgraded versions come out.
Photo: Framework

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