
Belted Survivors: After seeing these photos, you'll always buckle up in the car!

From now on, you will always buckle up in the car!

You probably don't need to explain how important it is to wear a seat belt in the car. Despite this, many drivers are still putting their lives on the line. As the saying goes, pictures speak louder than words, so check out the Belted Survivor photo series featuring car accident survivors. Let their girdle wounds be a reminder to you.

Road transport companies have been raising awareness among drivers for years on the usefulness of the seat belt, but their campaigns don't seem to have paid off with all drivers. Even today, we hear that road users have lost their lives due to negligence. In Slovenia, this is not a rare phenomenon, but the situation is not better abroad either - in New Zealand, every year he dies on the road more than 90 people, especially unattached men.

Because drivers are not sufficiently aware of the importance of seat belts, some New Zealand companies are joined forces and created a series powerful photos of former participants in a traffic accident that show what happens when you a belt saves a life.

In cooperation with the website VICE, which received several different stories of unfortunate people, they chose 10 of men who participated in the campaign entitled Belt up. Live on. (Brace yourself. Live.). They sent photos of their recovery to the cosmetic company PROFX, which makes film masks, with the help of which they makeup artists on their bodies recreated actual wounds. Photographers then took photos in their homes, evoking the authentic feelings that are revived past experiences.

The resulting photographs were exhibited in the cities of the participants in the campaign. The men also shared photos on social networks and participated in events where they told their shocking stories with happy endings. Their project has already inspired many web users to share their stories with the world. Because seat belt really saves life!

Gallery: Belted Survivors - men who survived because of their seat belts

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