
Frozen in time - a suspenseful true story

frozen in time
frozen in time

In November 1945, a plane with nine passengers crashes in Greenland. Everyone survives, but they have to fight the arctic winter.

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Frozen in time
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They wrote somewhere that he has Mitchell Zuckoff nose for a classic adventure story. Already his bestseller from two years ago with the title "Lost in Shangri-La" is a story that is read and read and read until the last page. It is a story about a plane that crashed in New Guinea in 1945 and a story about rescuing survivors in the jungle, based on conversations with American survivors, and the author also publishes some previously unpublished information.

Perhaps it is due to the predecessor of the latest work Zuckoff with Title "Frozen in time" expected a lot from the beginning. And he did not disappoint the readers, as this time too he offers a story described in such a way that the reader experiences it in detail. He puts the action again in the period of the Second World War, here it is also an aviation theme, only in the environment he has made a huge change. The story is set in Grenandia, and despite the war theme, the biggest enemy is the arctic winter and unpredictable climate, which claimed many planes and many individuals.

Frozen in time
Frozen in time

Frozen in time is a true story of survival and courage in the vast Greenlandic landscape. In November 1942, an American plane gets lost in a storm and crashes. Miraculously, all nine passengers survive, but an even more difficult ordeal awaits them - to survive in the wilderness of Greenland. The U.S. military mounts a rescue operation and struggles to find the plane as the survivors fight a 148-day battle with the brutal Arctic winter.

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