
FullContact - a Gmail extension that will blow your mind

Rapportive was a phenomenal extension for Gmail that gave a lot of "meat" to the contact, i.e. extra information that was displayed in the sidebar. When it was adopted by LineDIN, it lost its character and many people are still looking for it today. But it won't be like that for much longer. The start-up company FullContact has developed a new Gmail extension for Chrome, a kind of Rapportive 2.0, which provides the contact's job title, location, social profiles, photos,...

Expansion FullContact it is also full of other candies. It betrays you current time, where the contact is located (so you don't send emails in the middle of the night). It has a tab that shows theirs activity on Facebook and Twitter (you will need to connect your Gmail account to the services for these details) and "work" tab, which tells you more about the company where the contact works. Next to the profile photo is located Clout the result, i.e. his influence on social networks (the power or reach of the Klaut algorithm calculation), but also offers many shortcuts, when adding a contact, inviting to a calendar, chatting via Google Hangout,…

READ MORE: Google Calendar App: a smarter and more beautiful assistant in organizing

One of the more useful Gmail add-ons.
One of the more useful Gmail add-ons.

It's an expansion free of charge, but "only" up to 5000 contacts. For several of them, you will pay a little more than 8 euros per month, but if you are not a journalist, you do not have to worry about falling into the "paying class".

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