
Fun illustrations that every woman can relate to

21-year-old Canadian Cassandra Cailin is enthralling the web with illustrations that humorously depict the everyday problems of women. Every woman will recognize herself in them.

Dear ladies, the next time you feel like no one understands your female woes, visit Instagram Cassandra Cailin and we promise that you will laugh until you cry at your embarrassing situations. The 21-year-old tackles difficult female topics, such as extra pounds, summer sweats, shaving legs, those days of the month, make-up and much more, with extremely entertaining illustrations. The girl has at least two great talents - drawing and a great sense of humor. Laugh like we did.

About jackets with pockets that don't really exist

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Fake pockets suck.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About miracle makeup removers

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A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About email after vacation

About pants that are too tight

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Best part of the day.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About passport photography

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A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About summer ailments

About strong lipstick

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Well then…

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About online self-diagnoses (and panic!)

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Turns out it was just a pimple.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About 'unpleasant' photos on Facebook

About ultra-fashionable hairstyles

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They are majestic.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About missed calls

About menstruation, which always comes at the wrong time

About overlooked hairs

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A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About the look without makeup

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A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About those days of the month

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Story of my life.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About fashionable dark lipsticks

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Such a mess! (process video link in my bio)

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he

About ironing hair

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As usual, my hair refuses to cooperate.

A post shared by Cassandra Calin (@cassandracalin) he


READ MORE: Comic illustrations that only women will understand

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