
Funny reactions of children when their parents explain to them about sex

When parents tell their child about sex for the first time, they are at least as, if not more, embarrassed than the child. Therefore, they look for many metaphors, such as storks, birds and bees, in order to describe the matter as vividly as possible, while at the same time avoiding "sensitive" expressions that make both people blush. But sooner or later the day comes when you have to say bob bob. See how the children react then.

Sexuality should be discussed openly with children, as with other topics. A question where do children come from?, how they are created and what sex is, namely, every child decides, and it is up to the parents to introduce them to the world of sexuality, without first being taught about it by the "street", television or the Internet.

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"Are you two serious?"
"Are you two serious?"

Remember yours the first conversation about sex or maybe you got to know the matter in more detail for the first time in sex education at some systematic review? And did you also squirm, squirm, laugh mischievously, roll your eyes and blush like the children in the video?

"And that's how you came to be."
"And that's how you came to be."

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