
Fuselage: an eco-friendly haven for the world's most hidden corners


British company Tree Tents International presents the unique Fuselage shelter, which has been designed according to sustainable development guidelines. It attracts attention with its shape, which resembles the fuselage of an airplane.

The haven that the creators named Fuselage (in translation, the fuselage of the plane), covers the space s 3 meters wide and 5 meters long. It is interesting mainly because it is possible put practically everywhere. Not even the most exotic corners of the world are an exception.

Company cabin Fuselage offers as a set of different parts, which must be assembled at the desired location. This does not require the help of heavy construction machinery, which has a negative impact on the environment. Residence Fuselage is otherwise designed in such a way that it is possible attached to a tree or install on a support structure.

Where will you place your Fuselage?
Where will you place your Fuselage?

The creative team stands for construction from environmentally friendly materials. She took the same path with her new project. Fuselage is built from local materials, which are possible recycle. Surplus material from the main production process is reused in manufacturing camping equipment.

The housing of the house Fuselage is made of wood and aluminum. A structure that obtains energy with help solar cells, is able to withstand even such difficult natural conditions. They protect it from the environment a wall of three layers, low voltage heating system and wood stove.

Under Fuselage the designer signed off Jason Thawley. He says that he designed it with the desire to provide people refuge in extreme environments, which offer an extraordinary variety of natural environments.

Gallery: Fuselage

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