
Gala barbecue

HOME IN TIT'S COMPANY After a walk among the swans on Maribor's Lent or after sports afternoons with friends, before going to the cinema or to a party, you will feel best in a pleasant home atmosphere. Gala grill is a restaurant where men or women meet to chat over dishes from real...

Basic information
Gala barbecue
Loška street 10
(02) 252 36 00

HOME IN TIT'S COMPANY After a walk among the swans on Maribor's Lent or after sports afternoons with friends, before going to the cinema or to a party, you will feel best in a pleasant home atmosphere. Gala grill is a restaurant where men or women meet to chat over real barbecue dishes. Feel welcome at home. The master of Serbian barbecue specialties prepares mixtures for delicacies in front of you from the grid over the coals. Comrade Tito poses respectfully around you, his portraits adorn the walls among the patterns of Serbian carpets, and a bust proudly greets you at the bar. While you look at the garlic cloves and the pottery, cheese-stuffed peppers are offered on the table in front of you, a real finger bait that encourages running with its delicious taste. Before you and your friends get comfortable, there will be some gala hilarity for everyone. For those who are not expecting it, a delicious muchkalica or a home-made bread with sausage will be a good start. And when the company is completely gathered, treat yourself to master specialties. Noble spiky, stuffed, spicy pretzel, shish, in a mesh or smoked hanger, and with a mouth full, think of Nikšička beer or Montenegrin vranac. Authentic music completes the presentation of tastes. In between, indulge yourself in drinks of home-made brandy made from lemon balm, anise and wine ruetica and use it to soothe your passion for gourmet pleasures. When you start looking at the wine jugs and saying hello to Tito, you are best refreshed by fresh vegetable specialties. In the Gala žar restaurant, they offer you an excellent bunch salad, pickles and pickled peppers stuffed with cabbage. The satisfaction of gala tastes is sweetened by a homemade Srem slice. And what can happen to make you enjoy your friendly company more than at home. You will find a restaurant with a pleasant view of the Drava in an exceptional location next to the entertainment center of Maribor.


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