
Garden Igloo: pop-up garden igloo

The Garden Igloo is designed for use both in the conservatory and under the summer canopy. The garden igloo is an absolutely ideal private space for complete disconnection from all endless obligations.

Garden Igloo offers an ideal solution for all of us who love the outdoors, but sometimes need a little break. This 2.2 meter high geodesic dome is made of durable, stainless, recyclable material and can be used for countless purposes - as a greenhouse, playground or even as a cover for your hot tub. With easy use, we can determine where the needle will be turned and to what degree we want to open it. Innovative ecological structure it allows assembly in a very short time and does not require a foundation or any tools.
It is ideal for sitting in the sun or in the shade, while sipping your morning coffee or while reading the latest bestseller in the afternoon. Due to its shape, it allows a lot of interior space, with the smallest amount of materials.

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Although the structure of the igloo is very light, it is Garden Igloo surprisingly strong and stable for all weather conditions. If the coming summers are very similar to this year's, the igloo will be almost the only solution for social enjoyment of nature, without annoying rain trapping us indoors.

Take a look at the innovative garden structure in the gallery

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More information: gardenigloo.com

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