
Gesture: touchless computer control with hands


Remember Tom Cruise in the movie Minority Report when he only used his hands to operate the computer? This kind of technology is now finally available and it goes by the name of Gest. Gesture is an innovative peripheral unit that allows you to control your computer using only hand gestures. Given that our computers are no longer boxes under the table and soon they will no longer be laptops but smartphones, with technology such as Gest, the mouse and keyboard are likely to be slowly retired as well.

Gesture is an enabler hands-free computer control. So Steven Spielberg was right about the future when he released the film in 2002 Special report, where we still considered this kind of technology to be science fiction. But today this science fiction is a reality that goes by the name of Gest. Peripheral unit for which the path to fame is due to changing the computing landscape, where the role of computers is being taken over smartphones, rather than a highway, enables the management of digital content which with hand gestures, so you can slowly store the mouse and keyboard in the attic.

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It has built-in gestures 15 sensors, which can be customized to suit your needs and specific commands, and with its accuracy, it presents serious competition mouse and keyboard, which have ruled the world of computing lately 30 years. Is their reign slowly coming to an end? When the price A gesture dropped a bit more (currently you get it for moderate 188 euros), for sure.

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