
Gestures that mean everything in the world: The way you hold hands speaks volumes about your relationship

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What does the position of your hands say about your relationship? Just like a handshake, the position of your hands while holding them says a lot about your relationship. Regardless of the style of holding hands, it is considered that the feeling of the hands in the hands of a loved one is still pleasant, and we reach for it not only during a carefree walk, but we also instinctively look for our partner's hand when we are upset, scared or under stress. The warm palm of our partner has been scientifically proven to comfort and soothe, and with it they also strengthen our relationship and we talk a lot about it. Check out what your hand position says about your relationship.

you know what the position of your hands while holding hands says about your relationship? We all know how nice it feels when we put our palm in it palm loved ones. In moments of fear, stress and anger, we all like to reach for our partner's palm and vice versa, but holding hands is also a way of showing love in the park, in the car, on the sofa. But you already know all that. What you don't know is that holding hands it says a lot about your relationship.

dr. Wolfgang Krüger, a couple behavior guru, found, among other things, that in almost 90 percent of couples who consider themselves romantic, the man's hand is on top. How a couple holds hands reveals a lot about their relationship.

This is what the way you hold hands says about your relationship:

Intertwined fingers

Intertwined fingers
Intertwined fingers

If your fingers are intertwined, it means that you are inseparable, that your relationship is very deep and very passionate, that minor disputes are not rare and that you often resolve the dispute between the sheets. They are also very honest with each other.

Holding on to a few fingers

Holding on to a few fingers
Holding on to a few fingers

If you hold your partner by a few fingers, it means that you blindly trust him. You realize that everyone needs time and space for themselves, so you don't cling to it. You are relaxed and open. You are both independent, spiritual people with your own passions and interests outside of your relationship. They like to be alone and keep their individuality, but at the end of the day, there is still a very strong bond between you two.

Finger hold

Holding the little finger
Holding the little finger

It is a very relaxing form of holding hands. It may not seem intimate on the surface, but it is actually a very romantic and playful way of showing love, which can also be understood as flirting.

Holding hands over the shoulder

Keeping your hand on the "stuporamo"
Keeping your hand on the "stuporama"

Similar to interlaced fingers, holding hands over the shoulder shows a strong intimate bond, and the gesture goes beyond "bare" handholding, as the two whole bodies touch, with which the partner gives the other a sense of safe haven. With this way of holding, they communicate that they are proud of their relationship and that they would protect each other from any danger.

Palm-down grip

The most common way of holding hands
The most common way of holding hands

It is probably the most common way of holding hands. As a rule, the partner with the palm facing down has a dominant and protective role in the relationship. This type of posture is therefore often seen when a couple crosses the street. It means that they trust each other, that they understand each other and that they usually do not show their love in public.

A gentle touch of the palm

A gentle squeeze
A gentle squeeze

Couples who are characterized by a gentle palm touch are the exact opposite of couples who have their fingers intertwined while holding. They are not temperamental and do not end up in bed after an argument, but prefer to withdraw from each other so that passions calm down. You like gentle touches, and squishing is also close to them.

Fingertip grip

Holding the spikes
Holding the spikes

It is the most remarkable form of holding hands, which we often witness at weddings. It indicates the strength of the relationship, a healthy relationship and respect, and the relationship is based on trust and admiration.

Wrapping hands

Hand in hand
Hand in hand

Although this posture may seem aggressive and bossy, it is anything but. Since it touches a large part of the hands, not just the palms, it shows even more intimacy and passion between the two partners and the need for them to be close to each other all the time.

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