
Girls want attention, women want respect!

"Girls with dreams become women with visions." - Unknown author

Men think that a woman and a girl think and behave alike. According to them, these two words denote a person of the female sex, the only difference being their age. Later in life they realize that these are not interchangeable synonyms.

They realize that they cannot treat a girl and a woman equally. There is a big difference between them. Women live differently than girls. They will behave differently towards men, and they will also demand different behavior from them. Some things a girl will accept, but a real woman would never put up with them.

Some men will think that being with a girl is more challenging than being with a real woman, but only immature men who know nothing about life think so. Mature men will always prefer to be with a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it.

There are several differences between dating a girl and dating a woman, but the key is that girls want attention and women want respect.

Girls tend to seek validation through men

They cannot be complete without a man by their side, so they will endure many things, just so that men do not leave them.

A girl craves attention and will do anything in her power to get it. She will accept all men's mind games and allow them to come and go from her life as they please, just because she thinks that's the only way to win their favor.

The girl is afraid of being rejected

Because of this, she will accept some things that she fundamentally disagrees with, doesn't feel good about, just to keep the man. She thinks that her life without a man has no meaning and she can't even imagine being alone.

Therefore, she will always forgive a man for disrespecting her. She doesn't have enough self-respect and will constantly change herself just to keep him. She will do anything to keep his attention because she will mistake it for love.

On the other hand, a real woman will demand much more. He knows what love is, and he knows that it is impossible for someone to love her without respecting her. He knows what he wants and he knows what he deserves. She will not be afraid to say what she expects from a man.

For a real woman, respect is much more than just an empty word

When she says she demands respect, she means that a man must respect her not only as a woman but also as a person. She is a perfect individual with her integrity intact and she will not allow a man to disrespect that.

This is a woman who had a fulfilled life before a man walked into it, and she will never wait for him to make sense of her existence.

Men, if you're going to play mind games with this woman, think again. She will never allow you to manipulate her or emotionally abuse her. The moment she sees that you are taking advantage of her or that your intentions are not sincere, she will walk away without ever looking back.

A real woman will never change just to win a man

She knows who she is and isn't willing to change herself just to please someone. She is not afraid to be alone and will never be with a man unless he treats her with respect. She knows her true worth and won't settle for someone who doesn't value her. A real woman knows she's worth it, and she'll make sure her man knows it too.

She fully nurtures her mind and body and will never be with someone who doesn't do the same. For her, her energy and time are priceless and she is not going to waste them on someone who doesn't deserve it. She will put a lot of effort and energy into the relationship, but she will expect the man to as well.

For a real woman, lying and cheating are never an option

Men, never even try to lie to her or hide anything from her because she will see right through you. She will overlook all the lies. And she will never put up with them because she knows her worth. She will never allow you to humiliate her in any way, no matter how much she loves you.

This woman doesn't expect your constant gratitude, but she does expect you to appreciate everything she does for you and for your relationship.

You may think that being with a woman is too tiring and demanding. But even though she asks for a lot, believe that she is worth it, because she will give you so much more.

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