
GiroCarShare - Rent my car, change your behavior and save our planet

GiroCarShare - rent my car is a new vehicle sharing model that connects those who would like to rent out their vehicle and earn money from it, and those who need the vehicle only occasionally and would like to rent it. It works through a specially developed mobile application and introduces the concept of the sharing economy to the Slovenian car market.

In Slovenia, according to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, it is currently 1.1 million registered passenger vehicles. A situation where almost every adult Slovenian has their own personal vehicle is unsustainable in the long term. Instead of buying a car, an individual can rent it for their own needs. So you can save honey 10 and 16 tons of CO2, which are created during the production of an average vehicle, they wrote in The Guardian. Driving up to approximately 100,000 km with a used car represents the same consumption of emissions.

In order to reduce and optimize the use of vehicles, the team GiroCarShare, developed a mobile application for a new concept of sustainable mobility. "We assume that in the first five years in Slovenia, by enabling the rental of a million electric vehicles that travel 100 kilometers per day, we will create only 12,000 tons of CO2. Without the introduction of the concept of vehicle sharing, we would have created 225,000 tons of CO2 in the same period of time," emphasizes the difference brought by the sharing economy, Klemen Furlan, idea leader, partner and director of GiroCarShare.


According to The Economist, a shared vehicle shared by several drivers can it replaces as many as 15 private vehicles. The key advantages of the sharing economy have a very positive impact, especially in cities, because in addition to lower car emissions they reduce the space constraints of parked vehicles. By reducing sheet metal, the environment is also relieved. Using the new model for car sharing also has financial advantages for both the owner and the renter of the vehicle. Slovenians spend about a third of our monthly salary on car ownership and maintenance, although usually 96 % of the time is unused. By sharing a car at least five days a month, the average user can cover the monthly cost of owning and maintaining a car.

So that the driver who rents the car and the steel horse used by someone else will be insured on all routes, the developers of the sharing economy concept and the GiroCarShare application joined forces with Zavarovalnica Triglav, which created an innovative car insurance model ("Pay Per Usage''/ “Payment after use”). On Zavarovalnica Triglav, the official insurance partner of the ride-sharing app GiroCarShare, made sure it was rented vehicle insured with full comprehensive insurance, which the renter pays only during the time the vehicle is rented and does not affect the existing insurance of the vehicle. Thus, they can enable the owner of the vehicle to rent the vehicle reliably, and provide the renter with a worry-free drive.


After successful registration or verification, the user can start renting or renting vehicles via GiroCarShare applications as needed. The GiroCarShare application has also expanded the vehicle base to include delivery vehicles suitable for larger transports and relocations, cars for daily use, electric cars, sports cars for fun and motorhomes for holidays.

How to start using the GiroCarShare app?

The GiroCarShare application every smartphone user can download it for free. It is available through online stores Google Play and App Store. To use it, login, registration and enabled access to the camera on the phone are required. At the start of use, users are verified with the following data, which they simply enter into the application:

  • Registration is done in the application via Facebook or Google account. Manual data entry is also possible.
  • When the profile is made, we enter data (address, tax number, driver's license number) and at the end, we upload images of the driver's license and identity document.
  • Add in the "Payment method" field payment card.
  • When Giro checks the veracity of the entered data and images, informs you that our profile is verified and thus gives us the green light to rent and rent cars.
  • Renters find the desired car and agree on a rental with the owner.
  • Vehicle owners post the vehicle they offer for rent in the "My fleet" / "My vehicles" field, following the steps guided by the application. We enter data about the vehicle (type, age, make, model, type of fuel, value, engine power, registration number, VIN number... and a photo of the driving license). They also upload pictures of the vehicle.
  • Based on the VIN number, Zavarovalnica Triglav searches for a car and prepares an insurance policy that will be valid for the period when the vehicle is delivered.
  • We set the rental price ourselves and start renting out our vehicle.

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