Cups, bowls and plates are indispensable for the kitchen and we are quickly happy if they are upgraded. Not only do they become more technological, the increased practicality alone gives them their charm. Berta Julià Sala has designed a line of flexible containers that can be bent easily. Glop is a collection that shows what kitchenware is capable of.
Dish Stupid is made of durable platinum silicone. There are five containers in light blue: two bowls, a cup, a jug and a small dish. Containers are malleable - they are flexible to the point that they easily bent. By doing so, they change the shape and meet different culinary needs. Glop cookware encourages creativity, as it makes cooking easier and reduces the number of necessary utensils.
The price and availability are not known, but we can check on the fly designer Berta Julie Sale's website or we can contact her personally by e-mail (
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You can also see the Glop container in the gallery.
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