
Google device ecosystem

Google device ecosystem

A few days ago, Google pleased Earthlings with a fresh set of technological devices that can be connected to each other in one form or another. The hardware supports the software nicely, and together they offer the most modern technologies, including artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Does the story remind you of any other? The holistic concept was first in Apple's domain, wasn't it? Would it be unfair to Google to say that it has taken the same path as its competitors?

Let's stay a little longer with the second generation of Google devices. Home Mini, Pixel 2, Pixelbook, Pixel Buds, Daydream View and Google Clips they form a new Google family.

Google says they were made from 'inside out'. This can be interpreted as technology fully adapted to the user and not the other way around. What we want, what we need and how we can use it the fastest, these are the questions for the technological giants who actually run our lives. Based on what Google offers us now and how it sees its future, we can conclude that in a way wants to catch Apple.

After all, they are already with Google transferred to the purchase of HTC for a dizzying 1.1 billion USD, that they are no longer only interested in software, but also in hardware. They want to package their software into their hardware. They opened at the beginning of the year new hardware department and rehired as manager By Motorola's Rick Osterloh. A few months later, a family was 'born' in the tech world Pixel. It is also said that you are at They want Google to develop their own chip. See where the dog is praying? Will we witness a war between Google and Apple? Let's wait a little longer, but the signs are definitely here.

At the end of the day, we can only care about what we get our hands on and how much we pay for it. And let's face it, we have plenty of great tech gadgets at our disposal, and it doesn't matter if we belong to the Google or Apple army.

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