
Google Home Hub: the new smart device for the smart home

Google Home Hub

Google Home Hub with a smart assistant is a useful thing when you get used to it and it's not stupid for you to speak English at home.

Google's smart assistant is not only useful for finding answers to crucial questions about the meaning of life and the current weather forecast, knows a lot more another. He can launch YouTube on the TV and start play the searched song. She's doing well understanding, when we search English speaking artists or tracks, and a thick lump gets stuck in her throat when we search for Slovenian, Croatian or Serbian music scene. Occasionally it even finds, but mostly we get something completely different.

We can find it in a whole bunch technical, from phones to smart speakers and it's only a matter of time, when will it find its way to toasters and washing machines. It is before that As expected, Google presented a new home device for this purpose Google Home Hub, which is in its meaning and essence a smart speaker with a 7-inch screen. Ekola instead of you the assistant dictates the recipe, displays it on the screen. More simple, right?


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