
UAUU: Graffiti Exhibition 1107 Klan x Limited EDIT111ONS

Graffiti 1107 Clan

The guys from the graffiti band 1107 Klan will present themselves as part of the LIMITED EDIT111ONS exhibition platform on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, in the UAUU gallery in Ljubljana.

Important information
UAUU Gallery, Gosposvetska 7, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Soon we will be in Ljubljana gallery UAUU a real graffiti treat awaits, which will be part of the exhibition platform LIMITED EDIT111ONS prepared for us by the guys from the band 1107 Clan, who basically started their journey as hip hop group. At the beginning, they only spiced up the promotion of their music with graffiti, but they soon left the musical activity behind and devoted themselves exclusively to graffiti. Today, they participate and organize various graffiti events in Slovenia and abroad, on which they decorate walls and others more or less (il)legal surfaces and with their work contribute to the diverse urban culture and visual image of cities. As of 2008, 1107 Clan consists of four members: Boris, Zuias, Azram and KOL.

Graffiti 1107 Clan
Graffiti 1107 Clan

LIMITED EDIT111ONS project is exhibition platform, which enables established visual artists to present themselves internationally and innovatively connects the general and professional public with art that is spatially and affordable. The concept is simple: every month (for one day only), one artist presents himself with one work of art. For each LIMITED EDIT111ONS opening event, a carefully selected artist creates an artwork available just for the occasion in 111 copies, equipped with signature and certificate STUD111O. The price of a single copy is 30 euros (later 50). To date, it has been presented as part of the project 11 visual artists (Natan Esku, Petra Varl, Matija Medved, Polona Polona, Zora Stančič, Coco Wasabi, Meta Wraber, Mark Požlep, Mina Fina, Zoran Pungerčar, RONE84 and Maša Gala) and the art collective ZEK Crew.

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