
Graphene Jacket: A jacket made from the lightest, strongest and most conductive material

Graphene Jacket

Last year, Vollebak introduced a solar jacket that uses solar energy for its operation. The product was quickly recognized as the most technologically advanced garment on the market. This time the company went one step further.

A brand that relies on science to develop products has revealed the world's first jacket made of graphene.

Vollebak's innovation, which can also be characterized as a garment and a science experiment, is produced from the lightest, strongest and the most transmissive material that the world has. It should also be mentioned that the two parts of the product that performed excellently in the resistance tests also polyurethane and nylon.

The jacket is excellent regulates the obtained thermal energy, which distributes it evenly throughout the body. The heating temperature is otherwise the same as the user's skin temperature. Thanks to the polyurethane membrane water will not be able to penetrate the material.

For "Graphene Jacket” buyers who want to keep up with the times will have to shell out 595 euros. Clothing that is currently not in stock can be ordered at Vollebak's website.

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