
WOOW view of gravity!

"Gravity is overrated"

Well, for those of us who haven't really experienced it yet, it's hard for us to judge it, so we'll just have to trust the experienced. Gravitational force or gravity is the force that causes bodies with mass to attract each other. More simply, bodies with mass fall to the ground if they are dropped from a certain height. Well, we are also these bodies.

V 6-minute video a paraglider gives a close-up look at what it all looks like. A pinch of sarcasm in the title or quite a few of them may not be very lucky, because after just a few seconds of the video, the desire to fly also arises in us.

Is gravity really overrated?
Is gravity really overrated?

Paratrooper Jean-Baptiste Chandelier he admired from a bird's eye view the Portuguese Azores, French Briancon Serre Chevalier, Brazilian Canoa Quebrada and South African Clifton.

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