
Great news for all travel enthusiasts

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This fall, you can easily brighten up your day by traveling through the flavors of Indonesia. We are taken there by Jernej and Maja Zver, culinary masters who have prepared a very special version of coffee from Nespresso Master Origins line and added cinnamon and cloves to it. Check out the interesting recipe.

Jernej and Majo, creators of the culinary blog Jernej Kitchen, his love for good food, various tasty ingredients and trying new recipes has accompanied him since he was a child. They confided in us that their favorite morning ritual is enjoying a good meal cups of coffee, during which they often get inspiration for their new innovative culinary masterpieces.

Where and how do you find inspiration to create?
We mostly draw inspiration for our creations from the seasons and what is in our home garden and orchard. And also from visiting the surrounding places and also those that are a little further away. Last year, for example, we visited Rome, where we were impressed by mint ice cream with chocolate pieces, which we recreated for the blog, and New York, where we got the idea for a stewed endive salad, which we also recreated for the blog in combination with salmon. In the future, when the health situation will improve, we would very much like to visit you as well South America and Indonesia, where we are sure you would be very inspired. Our long-standing desire is also to visit coffee plantations, which we believe are fascinating.

And speaking of coffee plantations, what is most important to you when choosing coffee?
Aroma, intensity, degree of roasting, as well as the fact that we know how it is produced, where it comes from, transparency is important to us and we found that right in Nespresso Master Origins line, which is produced with special care in cooperation with local coffee growers. We ourselves try to choose local and seasonal food, so that the right choice of coffee is just the icing on the cake.


What flavor of coffee is your favorite right now?
It's our favorite flavor right now Aged Sumatra from Nespresso Master Origins lines. Coffee Aged Sumatra it has irresistible woody notes reminiscent of the wooded slopes of green Sumatra and a rich velvety texture spiced with complex notes of cocoa and sweet caramel. As a result, it is perfect for this cold autumn time and combining with spices that are fantastic for autumn: cinnamon, allspice, cloves.

What will you use to spice up your dishes this autumn?
This fall, too, we will tend to create with what we find in the forest, i.e. chestnuts and mushrooms. We also want to create new pumpkin dishes and experiment with coffee. A new family member joined us this year, so we need delicious coffee that keeps us up and gives us pleasure at the same time. We love experimenting with autumn flavors in combination with good coffee and frothed milk. We love it right now Spiced Piccolo, which reminds us of travels and exotic tastes and Chai Cappuccino, which directly warms the soul and body.

Can you share the recipe with our readers?
Of course, with pleasure. For an easier and better presentation, we have prepared two video recipes.

Recipe: Spiced Piccolo

Spiced piccolo

For one coffee we need:

  • 1 capsule Master Origins Indonesia
  • 1 teaspoon of raw cocoa powder
  • 1 bag of cane sugar
  • 1 small pinch of ground cloves
  • 1 small pinch of ground cinnamon
  • ¼ cup hot skimmed milk
  • 1 cinnamon stick.

Mix the cocoa, cane sugar and clove powder in the bottom of the cup. Master Origins Indonesia insert into the coffee machine and prepare an espresso, which is poured over the ingredients in the cup. Mix until the dry ingredients are dissolved. Pour the foamed milk up to half of the cup. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon, add a cinnamon stick for stirring and serve.

Video process of making Spiced Piccolo:

Recipe: Chai Cappuccino

Chai Cappuccino

For a cup of coffee we need:

  • 1 capsule Masters Origin Aged Sumatra or India
  • 1 teaspoon of condensed milk
  • ½ cup hot frothed milk
  • three pinches of ground cinnamon
  • a pinch of ground white pepper
  • grated white chocolate

Master Origins Aged Sumatra or India insert into the coffee machine and prepare an espresso, which is poured over the condensed milk in the cup. Fill it to the top with frothed milk and sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and white pepper. Decorate with white chocolate and serve.

Video process of preparing Chai Cappuccino:

Products Nespresso you can buy in the online store nespresso.si. Coffee lovers Nespresso but you can also find your favorite products at an additional new location in Ljubljana. A new one has opened Nano boutique in the Aleja shopping center.

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