
Great Sleeping Bear: A sleeping bag like a giant bear

You don't like winter and just want to sleep through it? Luckily for you, we have the cure and solution for your hibernation - the Great Sleeping Bear, a sleeping bag shaped like a giant bear. A sleeping bag that is soft enough to meet all comfort standards is the work of Dutch artist Eiko Ishizawa.

First photos sleeping bags appeared online already in 2009, and in 2013 she became an artist Eiko Ishizawa announced that it will start selling a limited number of "bears" next year, which made by hand. The real popularity is sleeping bags Great Sleeping Bear reached this week. Probably also because we all dream of hibernation and warmer weather.

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Do you want to hibernate like a bear this winter?
Do you want to hibernate like a bear this winter?

You will have to hurry with the order. The artist will make only limited number of sleeping bags, and since all sleeping bags are made by hand, the price will also be slightly higher. One Great Sleeping Bear sleeping bag will "qualify" us for the good ones 2210 euros.
If you can afford these costs, then you have a unique opportunity this winter hibernate correctly ... like a bear.

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