
Guns 2 Roses

Fans of the legendary rock band Guns 'n' Roses, beware! One of the best tribute bands in the world, Guns 2 Roses, is coming to Ljubljana, and Axl Rose and Slash themselves gave recognition for the quality and the best approximation of the original. In any case, the boys will play us all the hits of Guns 'n' Roses and we will...

Important information
Mediapark flower shop, Kranjčeva 20, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
od 14 do 17 evrov.

Oboževalci legendarne rock skupine Guns ‘n’ Roses, pozor! V Ljubljano prihaja ena najboljših tribute skupin na svetu Guns 2 Roses, kateri sta priznanje o kakovosti in najboljšemu približku originala dala tudi sam Axl Rose in Slash. Vsekakor nam bodo fantje zaigrali vse uspešnice skupine Guns ‘n’ Roses in nas pri tem zelo zabavali.

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