
Haiku Stairs: Stairs to Heaven in Hawaii

A real stairway to heaven awaits you in Hawaii. Don't believe it? Check.

One of the most epic hiking trails in Hawaii, also known as Haiku Stairs, famous for a beautiful view and also after the fact that illegalIn addition to being a very steep trail, in 2015 it was damaged by a storm. But the Stairway to Heaven remains a popular destination among locals and tourists.
Stairway to Heaven, as people like to call this hiking trail, is a perfectly fitting nickname. From the top you can see an incredible Oahu Island and peaks that push through mists and clouds. Almost vertical stairs that end at the top Pu'u Keahi and Kahoe, reaching a height of more than 762 meters. They were built in 1943, and only in 1987 were they declared illegal and the public 'forbidden' from climbing them. But given the Instagram It still seems like people are still climbing to the heavens every day.

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Warrior 3 on top of H3.

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Descending from heaven

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One of Oahu's most iconic views: the stairway to heaven.

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