
Hairstyles 2015: a new trend is tapestry on/in the hair

Hair is definitely having its moment this year. Everything from colorful hair on girls and boys, to gray hair and all kinds of hair accessories - it seems like we're all trying to express ourselves through our hair this year. A new trend that we are bringing this time is the tapestry in your hair. With some creativity and skill, we can weave colorful patterns into our hair. We have such colorful hair without dyeing our hair.

He stands behind the trend Alex Brownsell, the pioneer of many "out of the box" hair trends. For this season, she was inspired by the traditional tapestry from Argentina.
If you want tapestry in your hair, watch this video where Julia Bowden shows you how to create the look. First, she wets her hair and combs it to separate it into smaller strands. Then she attaches a ring to her hair and simply uses a blunt needle to weave different colored threads, both in and out of the hair.

The tapestry in the hair is for sure a unique fashion accessory and a “cool” way to try out the rainbow in your hair.

READ MORE: Hairstyles 2015: a new trend in hair coloring is colombré

In the gallery, we can see the new trend of tapestry in hair and maybe find inspiration for ourselves.

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