
Hairstyles 2016: hairstyles for summer festivals

Hairstyles for festivals

Summer is already knocking on the door and with it comes many festivals, concerts and other musical events that we are all eagerly waiting for. But it is not so easy to set a good example in the heat, crowds, cigarette smoke and spilled beer. Matching clothes and accessories is one story. But what to do with unruly, heat-weary, split, sun-discolored hair? Read on for some tips on how to get the best hairstyles for attending summer festivals.

What hairstyle to choose for summer festivals? Music festivals are usually a nightmare for long hair. The heat, humidity, crowds and dancing long into the night lead to clumps of tangled hair that are impossible to comb out in the morning. For this reason, the best solution is to curl the hair. Although loose hair seems a more attractive choice in the home bathroom, after a few hours of the concert, it turns into unattractive bangs. Braided hairstyles are the most suitable for attending summer festivals.

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Put your hair in a bun, herringbone or high ponytail - the possibilities are endless. Don't forget the hair accessories – flowers, ribbons, hoops, feathers and colorful clips, have been a "must" since Woodstock. But if you're going to the festival for several days, in addition to a sleeping bag and a tent, don't forget a travel bottle of dry shampoo and hair oil.

Hairstyles for Summer Festivals:

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