
“Hakuna Matata”: a word that has a MUCH DEEPER meaning than you think

“Hakuna Matata”: a word that has a MUCH DEEPER meaning than you think

I will never find time for myself. Do I get along? Oops, I got a pimple! I don't know what is the meaning of my life? What am I even supposed to do?

Relax! Breathe! And say "Hakuna Matata” – every time you start worrying and burdening you with a certain thing, say Hakuna Matata.
The first thing that probably comes to mind when you hear the phrase Hakuna Matata is a cartoon Lion King. You probably also have a hard time pronouncing this phrase without singing a familiar song. And this is exactly her charm - that she draws you again and again a smile on his face.
But Hakuna Matata actually has a much deeper meaning than it seems - Timon and Pumbaa live this philosophy. They enjoy life. They eat insects and they have each other. They live freely and do what their hearts desire. And that's what they teach Simba too. Even if the message of the song is playful, it can hardly be done with an actual understanding of the relationship of Hakuna Matata you change your life.

truly understanding the Hakuna Matata relationship really changes your life.
truly understanding the Hakuna Matata relationship really changes your life.

What does Hakuna Matata mean?

The message of this phrase is yes you live without worries and you believe it will arranged everything. Worrying will not solve your problems in life, nor will you make you happy or productive. You have to understand that negative things in life they just happen and you cannot influence them. All you have to do is say Hakuna Matata. And, of course, you TAKE ON them!

This union comes from a language called Swahili, and translated means “no problem here". Hakuna means "not here", Matata "trouble". And it encourages you to stop worrying about trivial things and start believing that everything will be alright.
Hakuna Matata can be for every person it means another thing. And precisely in this is its beauty, which can also have devastating consequences - it can lead to a wrong interpretation that leads a person to make negative choices in life.

The message of this phrase is to live without worries.
The message of this phrase is to live without worries.

What does Hakuna Matata NOT mean?

A philosophy of life without problems does not mean yes you follow the idea of not being prepared for anything. We all have problems in our lives. All humans are worried and stressed about one thing or another. Humans think more than we do. And sometimes all that stress can have a negative impact on life decisions and health. And in such moments, the "no problems" philosophy can really help us.
Always! Without problems does not mean that you will do everything you want, without worrying about the consequences. We all want to live a happy, fulfilling life full of adventures. We all want to take risks, make mistakes, have fun and experience life as it is. We want to be happy. We want to relax. Hakuna Matata can of course mean all of these, but you have to take responsibility for your actions.
Hakuna Matata is not advice on how RUN AWAY FROM RESPONSIBILITIES. Her job is to help you understand how you can face certain challenges by you focus on solving these, and you forget your worries.

Hakuna Matata is not advice on how to ESCAPE RESPONSIBILITIES.
Hakuna Matata is not advice on how to ESCAPE RESPONSIBILITIES.

How does Hakuna Matata really work?

Timon and Pumbaa use the "no problem" philosophy to help Simba find the strength to deal with his current situation, but Simba used the Hakuno Matata as a way to avoids pain. He used philosophy in the wrong way - he hid from his responsibilities, he did not want to face his fears and help his loved ones. When he finally gathers the courage to go to his hometown, he shows that he is ready to face the terrible truth that is happening in his place. He accepts responsibility as the future king.

And so it is in real life. All people in this world fear certain things that mean the most to us in the world. The value that a certain thing has in our hearts even scares us. We are afraid that we will fail and regret it for the rest of our lives. But Hakuna Matata beautifully explains that when you are most down, you have no will and you feel down, you have to pick yourself up, but take responsibility. After all, we are all people in this world the kings and queens of our own stories! And don't forget – Hakuna Matata!

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